I love meatloaf. I don’t know exactly why, but I do. It probably has a lot to do with leftovers. There’s nothing more comforting and therapeutic than a meatloaf sandwich on sticky white bread with Duke mayonnaise… but I digress. Did I mention that I like meatloaf? The tip is my favorite! ?
Anyway, I have a delicious variation of meatloaf for you today. You know how a recipe combines the most basic ingredients in the most perfect proportions and the end result is simply phenomenal? Well, for me it’s one of those recipes. It’s my new favorite meatloaf. And honestly, I really do have two secrets. The first one is a method. I don’t bake my meatloaf in a bread pan. I prefer to shape my meatloaf in the center of a prepared 9×13 pan. This allows all the fat to drain out and you get that golden browning on 3 sides rather than just on top with a bread pan.
My other secret is the blood mary mixture. It gives a perfect flavor and taste to the meatloaf. I like to use a tangy and spicy mixture like Zing Zang – it’s my favorite. And I saw the other day that a lot of stores now sell individual 12-ounce cans of bloody mary mix in the blender aisles, so it’s perfect for that.
Now, you’re all going to prepare this and make sure you don’t eat it all. You’ll want this meatloaf sandwich for lunch tomorrow. Have a great time!
1 pound of ground meat (beef or turkey)
1 egg
1 can of stuffing mix
1 cup of water
How to do it
Mix it all together, put it in a bread pan and bake in the oven at 350 for about 45 minutes.
I’ve done it several times now and it’s perfect every time. I love the fact that it doesn’t require guessing! The consistency is always perfect, and thanks to the spices in the stuffing, the taste is delicious. We ate it last night with grilled broccoli and corn on the cob and it was perfect!
Source: world-recipes
can of stuffing mix???? Instructions also call for bloody mary mi but not mentioned in ingeredients
I bet she ment one cup
Stuffing mix in a can???
No mention of bloody mary mix in ingredients???
You could also ad a mild salsa mixture. It turns out awesome. I used a cup of mild salsa mixture and ketchup and Worcestershire sauce.
When do you add the bloody mary mix and how much. The recipe does not list this
stuffing mix in a can? never heard of it